For the long-term development of the website, we have to charge membership fees, which will be used for the rental and maintenance of the website server, as well as the cost of purchasing the album!
Membership fees are as follows:
1 month / 30USD
1 year / 200USD
Permanent member / 500USD
Please select the time of purchase and click here to pay:
After the transfer is completed, please provide a screenshot of the payment and send it to domicd@163.com , open after confirmation.
声明:本站仅为用户之间信息交流之媒介,所有资源均来源于网络或用户投稿,本站服务器不储存任何音视频文件,所有作品包含图片的版权均归原作者所有,如遇内容侵权请第一时间联系我们,我们将及时予以删除。邮箱 : domicd@163.com