HiRes专辑名称:Anna Hashimoto, Roderick Chadwick – Edward Cowie: Where the Wood Thrush Forever Sings
音乐分辨率:24bit – 96khz
01 – Where the Wood Thrush Forever Sings, Book 1: No. 1, American Fish Crow
02 – Where the Wood Thrush Forever Sings, Book 1: No. 2, Wood Thrush
03 – Where the Wood Thrush Forever Sings, Book 1: No. 3, Eastern Meadowlark
04 – Where the Wood Thrush Forever Sings, Book 1: No. 4, Common Loon
05 – Where the Wood Thrush Forever Sings, Book 1: No. 5, Belted Kingfisher
06 – Where the Wood Thrush Forever Sings, Book 1: No. 6, American Winter Wren
07 – Where the Wood Thrush Forever Sings, Book 2: No. 1, Broad-Tailed and Blue-Throated Hummingbirds
08 – Where the Wood Thrush Forever Sings, Book 2: No. 2, White-Winged Dove
09 – Where the Wood Thrush Forever Sings, Book 2: No. 3, Common Nighthawk
10 – Where the Wood Thrush Forever Sings, Book 2: No. 4, Greater Roadrunner
11 – Where the Wood Thrush Forever Sings, Book 2: No. 5, Least Bittern
12 – Where the Wood Thrush Forever Sings, Book 2: No. 6, Geat Horned Owl
01 – Where the Wood Thrush Forever Sings, Book 3: No. 1, Blue Jay
02 – Where the Wood Thrush Forever Sings, Book 3: No. 2, Mockingbird
03 – Where the Wood Thrush Forever Sings, Book 3: No. 3, Yellow Crowned Night Heron
04 – Where the Wood Thrush Forever Sings, Book 3: No. 4, Northern Goshawk
05 – Where the Wood Thrush Forever Sings, Book 3: No. 5, Say’s Phoebe
06 – Where the Wood Thrush Forever Sings, Book 3: No. 6, Red-Winged Blackbird
07 – Where the Wood Thrush Forever Sings, Book 4: No. 1, Northern Cardinal
08 – Where the Wood Thrush Forever Sings, Book 4: No. 2, Virginia Rail
09 – Where the Wood Thrush Forever Sings, Book 4: No. 3, Turkey Vultures
10 – Where the Wood Thrush Forever Sings, Book 4: No. 4, Yellow-Breasted Chat
11 – Where the Wood Thrush Forever Sings, Book 4: No. 5, Horned Lark
12 – Where the Wood Thrush Forever Sings, Book 4: No. 6, Bald Eagle