类型:iTunes官方MV – HD1080P
演员:Adam Marcello, Anthony Burrell, Casey Hooper, Joshua Moreau, Katy Perry, Lauren Allison Ball, Leah Adler, Lockhart Brownlie, Max Hart, Patrick Matera, Tasha Layton
Giving fans unprecedented access to the real life of the music sensation, Katy Perry: Part of Me exposes the hard work, dedication and phenomenal talent of a girl who remained true to herself and her vision in order to achieve her dreams. Featuring rare behind-the-scenes interviews, personal moments between Katy and her friends, and all-access footage of rehearsals, choreography, Katy’s signature style and more, Katy Perry: Part of Me reveals the singer’s unwavering belief that if you can be yourself, then you can be anything.
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